Migration from blogger to ghost
After some awesome feedback on twitter, I decided to migrate my blog over to Ghost. The main reason being that Blogger doesn't support SSL for custom domains. It's possible to use SSL if I configure cloudflare and mess around with DNS settings via cloudflare and, as this point that was more effort than migrating to another platform.
I also wanted to move away from blogger to something that gave me more flexibility and ghost does seem to be that platform.
With the server setup my initial focus has been on getting the SSL elements setup properly. Now I'm scoring a very healthy A+ on Qualsys I'm going to look at the formatting of the site, starting with the disqus form that's the whole width of the page!
I'm also planning on doing more blogs here that are shortish in duration with monthly longer blogs over on the Starwind Blog site. I've also got a couple of other things I'm working on, the first of which will be some basic, but hopefully useful, powershell/powercli scripts over on Github.
I'm always open to comments and feedback, a contact form will be going up shortly.
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